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- Service Carts
- Storage Tanks
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- Measuring Instruments
- Valves and Couplings
- High Pressure Tube Unions
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50Hz Solutions Pty Ltd is the Australian representative of DILO Armaturen und Anlagen.
DILO commenced operation in the SF6 gas technology sector in 1967 on the back of its unique metal to metal sealing principle. It manufactures an extensive range of SF6 fittings, adapters, hoses, tube unions and accessories for SF6 handling. With SF6 management becoming more and more critical, having high quality and reliable gas handling equipment is imperative.
In addition to fittings and hardware, DILO manufactures the highest quality SF6 gas service equipment including service carts of various sizes/capacities, filling kits, compressors, vacuum pumps and more. Combined with their range of SF6 multi-analysers and measuring devices, DILO provides the complete solution to ensure no SF6 is lost to the atmosphere.